Saturday, September 17, 2011

Whitch character design

Traditional Art - Java Ornament

Another Sketch

Manga characters from Naruto movie

there is some sketch and character design i've draw and one characters sketch from naruto movie, like it.

My logo design folio

Law Company logo

Creative Industry company logo

Music Band Logo

Coffee Company logo
There is some of my logo designs portfolio in 2010

Hari ini

Hari yang cerah
Udara yang sejuk pagi ini
Air jernih yang menyejukkan
have some fun with my friends

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Old Sketch


Tonight, I have thinking about some kind of words and about their meanings.

the first sentence is:

"Try to make something different"

this can be used to be a tagline if we want and its make you think the  meaning of "different" here is to make something really not the same but you can recycle again from what have done before. And the next sentence is :

"Try to make something new"

its meaning is to trying make something different but really new and haven't done yet before.

{ nampak bodoh hmmm.... ckckckck.. =)) }
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